Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grammatical Categories

Grammatical Categories refers to classes of word that traditionally known as parts of speech

Noun - word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action; can be subject or object of the sentence
Ex. dog, group, happiness, UNESCO

Verb-  a content word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of existence; the word class that serves as the predicate of a sentence
Ex. Do, be walk, shall

Adjectivesa word that expresses an attribute of something; the word class that qualifies nouns
Ex. Sad, green, asleep, burn

Adverb- the word class that qualifies verbs or clauses; a word that modifies something other than a noun
Ex. Well, later, near, however

Pronoun - a function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase
Ex. You, yourself, one, anything

Article - a determiner that may indicate the specificity of reference of a noun phrase
Ex. A, the

Preposition - a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
Ex. On, of, across, like

Conjunction - an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences
Ex. And, or, since , if

Interjection- an abrupt emphatic exclamation expressing emotion
Ex. Oh!, Alas!, No!