Blended Learning
Blended learning combines online with face-to-face learning. The goal of blended learning is to provide the most efficient and effective instruction experience by combining delivery modalities.
"The term blended learning is used to describe a solution that combines several different delivery methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based courses, Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), and knowledge management practices. Blended learning also is used to describe learning that mixes various event-based activities, including face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and self-paced instruction."
Why use Blended Learning?
1. "Students not only learned more when online sessions were added to traditional courses, but student interaction and satisfaction improved as well."
2. "Providing several linked options for learners, in addition to classroom training, increased what they learned."
3. Speedier performance was detected on real world tasks by those who learned through blended strategies as opposed to those that learned via e-learning along.
4. "Adults don't just "learn" in one way. Likewise, associations should not make the mistake of providing just one way for adult learners to receive their educational content."
How does one design Blended Learning?
To design blended training, the instructional designers start by analyzing the training or course objectives and braking them down into the smallest possible pedagogically (for children) or andragogically (for adults) appropriate chunks (learning object).
After the course or training has been chunked, the best approach to deliver each segment of instruction (learning object) is identified. In some cases the best approach might be using online learning but in others it might be live instruction, for exapmple.
The course is then aggregated by grouping the instruction logically while taking into account the medium of delivery. In this way, one may require a few lessons online and some others live, for example.
Some Samples:
Live face-to-face (formal)
* Instructor-led classroom
* Workshops
* Coaching/mentoring
* On-the-job (OTJ) training
Live face-to-face (informal)
* Collegial connections
* Work teams
* Role modeling
Virtual collaboration/synchronous
* Live e-learning classes
* E-mentoring
Virtual collaboration/asynchronous
* Email
* Online bulletin boards
* Listservs
* Online communities
Self-paced learning
* Web learning modules
* Online resource links
* Simulations
* Scenarios
* Video and audio CD/DVDs
* Online self-assessments
* Workbooks
Performance support
* Help systems
* Print job aids
* Knowledge databases
* Documentation
* Performance/decision support tools