Sunday, July 15, 2012

Business Communication Syllabus

I.              Introduction
A.    Overview of Communication in Business
1.     Creation
3.     Business Stability
i.              The Meaning of Business
ii.             Communication
iii.            Business Communication
iv.            The Process of Communication
v.             Goal of Communication
vi.            Advantages of Printed Communication
vii.           Metacommunication
viii.          Kinesic Communication
B.    Organizing and Composing Messages
1.     Structure of Letters and Documents
i.          Parts of the Letter
ii.          Format of a Letter
iii.         Addresses, Salutations and Complimentary Closes
2.     Postal Products and Services
i.              Classification of Mails
ii.             Stationeries
iii.            Address Format
iv.            Non-mailable Items
II.             Revising and Proofreading Business Messages
A.    Improving Writing Techniques
B.    Effective Business Writing
1.       Characteristics of Effective Letters
2.       Fog Index
3.       Eliminating Weaknesses in Writing

III.            Electronic Mails and Memoranda
A.    Electronic Office
B.    Technologies in Business Communication
C.    Electronic Transmission
D.    Teleconferencing
E.    Inter-Office Documents
F.    Policies
G.    Contracts
IV.           Process Writing
A.    Institutional Meetings
B.    Notices
C.    Agenda
D.    Election
E.    Minutes

V.            Persuasive Writing
A.    Proposal Writing
B.    Letters for Public Relations
C.    Favorable and Unfavorable Replies

VI.           Writing a Report
A.    Report Preparation
B.    Business Report
C.    Classification of Reports
D.    Narrative Report
E.    Periodic Report
F.    Technical Report
G.    Special Report
H.    Annual Report
I.      Analytical Report
J.     Information Report

VII.          Employment-Process Communication
A.    Curriculum Vitae
B.    Personal Data Sheets
C.    Application Letter
D.    Recommendation Letter
E.    Special Orders
F.    Application for Leave
G.    Resignation
H.    Letter of Termination

VIII.         Employment Interviewing, Follow-up Messages
IX.           Oral Presentations
X.            Job Interviews

Metacommunication and Kinesic Communication

Metacommunication – a verbal message that although not expressed literally accompanies a message that may be translated literally. The meaning of the verbal message is entirely different from the literal definition of the used words. Skillful minds need to prudently scan the surrounding word or previous related messages in order to understand the appropriate meaning of the message.
Possible Meaning
“Don’t be absent tomorrow.”
“You are frequently absent” or “I am reprimanding you for your absences.”
“Your work is excellent.”
“You are a desirable worker.”
“our stocks do not stay long in our store.”
“We sell quality items” or “our merchandise are highly saleable.”

Kinesic Communication – an idea expressed through nonverbal behavior, situation or action. A smile, a joly face, a wink, a frown, a sigh, and  a nod convey multifarious possible messages. The kind of attire, grooming, posture, temper, promptness, industry, speed, and gesture also manifest various possible meanings.

Five Categories of nonverbal communication:
  1. 1.       Facial expression
  2. 2.       Paralanguage
  3. 3.       Proximity
  4. 4.       Multichannel

A study revealed that in a message, words create 15% of the impact and nonverbals create 60 perscent of the impact. Some other nonverbal that create various impact include touch, silence, appearance, space, time noise, light, size, taste, clothing, color, sound and music.

Importance of Printed Communication

1. Written communication may reach many people, busy or idle, able or handicapped, rich or poor in different places both international and local event in the remotest barangay.

2. Printed materials provide. Written materials also chronicle transactions made between business organizations.

3. Written materials are ensured of their confidentiality if only handled by trusted courier. Message transmitted through bilabial process are surely made known to the channel and this transmission is applicable only to open messages.

4. Written materials do not reveal the speech defect or hearing disability of the message sender as well as the same incapability on the part of the addressee.